Message to Progressives from the UN -"The reality is that people are dying already"
Green Energy

Message to Progressives from the UN -"The reality is that people are dying already"

Telegraph UK:

Global warming rage lets global hunger grow

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor

We drive, they starve. The mass diversion of the North American grain harvest into ethanol plants for fuel is reaching its political and moral limits.

A demonstrator eats grass in front of a U.N. peackeeping soldier in Port-au-Prince
A demonstrator eats grass in front of a U.N. peacekeeping soldier during a protest against the high cost of living in Port-au-Prince

"The reality is that people are dying already," said Jacques Diouf, of the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). "Naturally people won't be sitting dying of starvation, they will react," he said.

The UN says it takes 232kg of corn to fill a 50-litre car tank with ethanol. That is enough to feed a child for a year. Last week, the UN predicted "massacres" unless the biofuel policy is halted.

We are all part of this drama whether we fill up with petrol or ethanol. The substitution effect across global markets makes the two morally identical.
Drill off the California coast.
Drill in Alaska.
Drill in the Bakken formation.
Establish the windfarm off Nantucket, Teddy.
Get more coal for electrical generation
Find technological processes to make hydrogen power more cost efficient
Invest in battery and solar technologies
We should be doing every single thing in our power for energy independence, for economic development, for political independence, for technological leadership, for the ecological considerations, and for the people who WILL have a harder time affording foodstuffs made more expensive not necessarily because ethanol is being used for fuel, but because the cost of fuel affects every single thing on this planet, as parasites with dead dinosaurs under the ground suck the blood from everyone.

It's not our drivers, it's our desire and will to do what is needed to get more energy.
We are not going to conserve our way out of this.

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