Green Energy
Messiah Watch

Can the left get any more balmy over Obama? Yep, sure can. Obama supporters are changing their names to ‘Hussein’.
Gary is about as Caucasian as they come. "I'm a white, Anglo-Saxon protestant," he said.
But his name isn't. It's becoming something of an online phenomenon, thousands of people nationwide, several right here at home, changing their middle names to support their candidate.
Not only are they changing their cyberspace middle name, in some cases their legal middle name to Hussein.
"It's to take away the stigma of a middle name that's really charged in this nation," said Jillian Boshart. Boshart, a college student changed her middle name to Hussein as well, joining Barack, Gary and others. "It's our middle name too. Not that big of a deal. What's in a name?" asked Boshart.
The name change was fairly simple for Jillian, several of her friends have already "Hussein-ed" themselves.
But for Gary, a new Hussein from Colville, the change from Gary Don Ackerson has been a little bit interesting.
If Obama wins the election, Gary Hussein Ackerson says he'll keep the name, but what if Senator Obama loses? "I'll probably change my name back to Don", said Gary.
Boy! That’s loyalty for ya’.
Talk of being dhimmified. So, is the name Mohammed next?
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