Mo be praised!
Green Energy

Mo be praised!

Yes! We righteous believers of Mo have made it. This most horrible of all vile, vile, vile creatures will be banned. No longer will the (capitalist) swines hand out swines to our innocent children.

"Pig belong to the forbidden animals, and not allowed to be eaten by the believers. Pig eats almost anything dirty and they are very lazy animals. It is the most avaricious of all domestic animals. Amongst all animals, pig is the cradle of harmful germs. It's meat serves as carrier of diseases to mankind. It is this very reason that made it unfit for human consumption."
The Qur'an states:

"Forbidden to you for (food) are: dead meat, blood and the flesh of the swine and that which hath been invoked the name other than Allah. "

Holy Qur'an 5:4

So fortunately this most unholy and lazy devil's spawn, the most unbelieving of all animals has been banned - even by our enemies.
"Children who open a saving account at Fortis get a present: a roguish piggy-bank, named Knorbert. Throughout the years tens of thousands of kids had received it, but that is now at an end. Knorbert won't be given to kids as a present any more.

A pig is a touchy issue for some of the clients: Jews and Muslims consider it unclean. The bank wrote in an internal document that Knorbert "doesn't fulfill the requirements that the multicultural society places on us any more." the document not to De Telegraaf which published it on the front page. Fortis would have preferred to keep a lower profile on it."
Please notice how we faithful believers of Mo also managed to get the Jews blamed for abandoning the vile, vile, vile swine. Not only have we succeeded in getting rid of IT but we get to blame the Jew unbelievers.

Seen here: Times, and several other places.

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Green Energy
