Green Energy
Mohammed: As Pictured Through The Ages
Blasphemous! He's a dead ringer for Jesus in this one, don't ya think?!
Parody game created by Spike TV. Note to all offended: It's a joke, a parody, oh I give up...Fascinating over at Zombietime, with pictures and descriptions of Mohammed through the ages.
Remember this;
One causes as much pain & suffering in the world,
when one take's offence;
as when one gives offence.
Jailed Jihadi Who Wanted To Kill South Park Cartoonists Writes Op-ed About Countering Islamic Terrorism
No, REALLY! Remember, just the other day, I put up a little piece on the idea that Leftists might use coded language to convey their real intent. Clearly, this man, who wanted to murder the South Park producers for "blaspheming the prophet" because they...
This is no joke. It really is a full length film. A pro-Obama film. Not a parody. Not a spoof. Really. ...
The Ultimate Mohammed Critical Portrait
Almost everyone is drawing Mohammed these days. Well, I decided to draw the ultimate critical piece of Mohammed art portraiture in history. You'll see, dear art snob, that I have thrown at Mohammed the last criticism possible. I can't do better,...
FOUNDING BLOGGERS EXCLUSIVE! BREAKING! Obama Writes On Hand, Too! Lefties and the more rabid Dems are having a field day with the fact that Sarah Palin writes notes to herself on her hand. Well, it seems Obama does as well. Founding Bloggers can exclusively...
Update On Bacon & Wine Policeman
Further to the previous posting by pastorius there is now more information courtesy of the Daily Mail. It seems that the policeman concerned was not offended and he said this: "I told her I knew it was meant as a joke and did not want to make a formal...
Green Energy