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Mohammed's Believe It Or Else!

Note: If PhotoBucket decides to remove the above image, you can view it here.To read the introduction to the comic book, go
here, and scroll to the bottom of the page.
The author of the above comic book had to go into hiding. From
Infidel Bloggers Alliance:
"It is with great regret that I must go into hiding.
"This is a result of the multiple death threats I have received for my comic book, which depicts the truth about the teachings of the prophet Mohammed. I am earnestly confused about this matter. I have spoken honestly and truthfully about Islam and its teachings. All quotes in the comic book are directly from the Qu'ran and the agreed Hadiths.
"Why does a religion of peace seek to kill me for being honest? What do they have to hide?
"I hope to return when I am free to speak once again.
"Abdullah Aziz (Author or the World Renowned Comic Book, 'Mohammed's Believe It or Else!'"
Three things I've learned from
Mohammed's Believe It or Else, according to the author's citations from the Hadith:
1. Once a tribe of Israelites became lost. The Jews were transformed into rats.
Proof: rats drink milk from sheep but not from camels.
Burkhari, vol. IV, no 524)
2. The majority of the population of hell is female. Also, nobody is more deficient in intelligence and religion than a woman.
Burkhari, vol. I, no. 28; Burkhari, vol. I, no. 301; Burkahari, vol. I, no. 161)
3. Muslims have one intestine, but those who are not Muslims have seven intestines.
Muslim, Vol. III, nos. 5113, Chapter DCCCLXII)
Does this comic book mock Islam? Before you condemn the author of this book, read the following
words by Ali Sina, apostate:
"Why Mock Islam? Because it is therapeutic! Mocking is a very powerful way to convince those who are unwilling to think to do it. Shame is a great motivator....
Do not underestimate the power of ridicule. This is not a laughing matter. Mock Muhammad and Islam as this will eventually help the Muslims get rid of their cult. They must feel embarrassed for calling themselves Muslim.
"This therapy works. I have seen it work many times....
"Today Muslims become angry if you ridicule their faith, but once they are free from this bondage of the mind they will thank you for it.... "
Mohammed's Believe It or Else is beautifully illustrated and printed on glossy paper. Get your own
copy, digital download or hard copy, and feel free to read it while eating a ham sandwich.
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Green Energy