Green Energy
More On H.R. 2265: FAQ's
Christine of
The Center for Vigilant Freedom has written an important post, about something serious which is afoot in our Congress: H.R. 2265. The bill is being presented as a compassionate attempt to rescue Iraqi refugees. But the bill is much more than that!
Christine's article is brilliant. Make time to
read it!
Republican National Senate Committee Acts To Start A Third Party
And it's over the O'Donnell win in DE. I have no idea if this gal can win Joe Biden's seat in Nov. But the RNC's Senate Committee said this morning that since Sarah Palin and the Tea Party took them out with Castle...
The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show
Last night, the Fu2rman and I recorded the 33rd episode of the Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show. It was quite the kick-ass show. It was basically, walll to wall babes last night on the IBA Radio Show. First off, we intro'd Skye, the...
Christine Amanpour Sucks Up To Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
I saw this on the TV when I was at the gym today. It is a from a special report CNN segment called, "Ahmadinejad - Soldier of God." I couldn't hear a word of it, but I didn't need to. Dhimmitude, almost literally, leaked through the screen. Christine...
Update On This Week's Radio Show
Update @ 7:38 P.M, on Thursday, September 27, to this posting here at IBA: We are now expecting Christine of The Center for Vigilant Freedom and Frank Gaffney, founder and president of the think tank Center for Security Policy, as our interviewees for...
Weekly Radio Show: August 10
Listen to The Gathering Storm Radio Show, which WC and I cohost. The show broadcasts live every Friday for one hour at noon, Pacific Time. The call-in number is (646) 915-9870. Callers welcome! Friday, August 10: We have two interviewees scheduled this...
Green Energy