Green Energy

Stabbed 4 times, defending a friend - CBS News reports he suffered a wound to the heart and the lung and was with a female companion when the stabbing occurred.
Initially police did not believe that Stone would be able to survive his injuries.^tfw
French train attack hero Spencer Stone ‘repeatedly stabbed’ while reportedly trying to protect his friend
NOTE: It was widely reported that Stone had strong ties to Sacramento...and msm broadcast his past ties and future plans to be in Rosedale as well...suggesting msm aiding and abetting terrorists vengeance.
NYDailyNews:"An Air Force medic who helped thwart a terrorist attack in France is in critical condition after being repeatedly stabbed, reports said. Spencer Stone, 22, was stabbed in Sacramento, where he’s stationed..."
WaPo: The France train heroes will all head to Roseburg in show of support after massacre - providing partial itinerary, is the msm aiding and abetting the enemy?
CBS Sacramento:
The owner of a liquor store says he has video of the incident and it appears show five to six men in a group attacking someone in an intersection.
Note how the American msm narrative is fully established as it adopts the British characterization "Asian" when offering the slightest hint at a description of the perpetrators:
UKDailyMail: French train attack hero Spencer Stone is repeatedly STABBED whiledefending a female friend as police search for two adult Asian male suspects
CNN: Police are looking for two males in connection with the stabbing. Bernard described the pair as two Asian males who were wearing blue jeans and white T-shirts, and linked them to a dark gray or black 2009-2012 Toyota Camry. Police are looking for two males in connection with the stabbing. Bernard described the pair as two Asian males who were wearing blue jeans and white T-shirts, and linked them to a dark gray or black 2009-2012 Toyota Camry.
SFGate: He says investigators are searching for two Asian men who fled in a dark-colored 2009 to 2012 Toyota Camry.
Bernard says Stone was out with four other people and a fight with another group led to the stabbing near a bar. Police say they don't know if Stone was drinking alcohol, but others in his group were.
Toronto: Man Wearing “infidel” Patch Stabbed For Offending Muslims
Scuzlims: On Sunday, September 20, 2015 at 11:18pm, CP24 dryly reported that “a man in his 50\s is in serious condition in a hospital after he was stabbed multiple times in Scarborough on Sunday night.” According to the Police, “the man was...
French Train Hero Now In 'good Spirits' After Stabbing Outside Bar
French train hero now in 'good spirits' after stabbing outside bar The UC Davis Medical Center upgraded Airman Spencer Stone's condition from serious to fair. Doctors say he was awake, and could get out of bed Friday. "We know it's...
Train Terror Hero Spencer Stone Was Stabbed After 'trying To Protect A Girl Being Punched By Her Boyfriend' During Gay Club's 'straight Night' - Then She Fled With Attackers
UKDailyMail: EXCLUSIVE: Train terror hero Spencer Stone was stabbed after 'trying to protect a girl being punched by her boyfriend' during gay club's 'straight night' - then she fled with attackers *Stone was stabbed four...
Train Hero Stabbed Repeatedly
Identity, motive, ethnicity, Religious Affiliation unknown at this time although, since it happened at a bar, this could have been an ignorant dumb motherfucker picking a fight with a lauded "tough guy". Fox: Spencer Stone, French train hero, in reportedly...
Shhhhhh ... Don't Mention Islam
Paris police search for 'bearded man seen praying' before soldier attack From Will at THE OTHER NEWS: Paris police search for 'bearded man seen praying' before soldier attack.(Telegraph). Police in Paris have obtained video footage of...
Green Energy