Fox WH News:

President Obama's counterterrorism chief acknowledged Saturday that the country is safer since the attacks of September 11, 2001, saying that government actions have made the nation "less hospitable" to terrorism. But he also called some of the precautions taken after the attacks "over the top".
The Bush administration, he said, "deserves a lot of praise and credit for the work they did after 9/11 as far as making this country safer and stronger," but countered that statement by saying that prejudice and discrimination have threatened national security. "Over the years the actions of our own government have at times perpetuated those attitudes: violations of the patriot act, surveillance that has been excessive, policies perceived as profiling, over-inclusive no fly lists subjecting law-abiding individuals to unnecessary searches and inconvenience." He promised the largely Muslim audience that the Obama administration strives to make civil rights and civil liberties a priority.