Green Energy
Mosque Hacks Email Of Moderates And Threatens Them?

According to Debbie Schlussel:
Why is a Detroit area mosque hacking the website and e-mails of its members, then suing them to cover it up, and silence them?
What's hacking, er . . . happening, at the falsely-named Unity Center Mosqueshould be a lesson to the few "moderate" Muslims in America about what will happen to you if you open your mouth. Your mosque will expose you, threaten your life, and sue you. Mosque members did this to stop its members from protesting their treatment and contacting me.
Those "maverick" mosque members--religious Muslims who are trying to be moderate and accepting and liberal--created a petition and a blog protesting the Wahhabi and Salafist takeover at their house of worship, a website, and a foundation empowering moderate Muslim women. They're upset that certain extremist members of the mosque, along with their Saudi-trained imam, are squeezing out and persecuting anyone with liberal viewpoints and any woman who refuses to cover her hair outside the mosque.
But the mosque didn't like their expression of this. Freedom of speech about the mosque?--We can't have that. So, some mosque members apparently got someone to illegally hack into that website and obtain e-mails those members sent me and others. During the summer, they bragged about having e-mails the distraught, persecuted mosque members sent me. (Again, not to worry--my e-mail account is safe and secure, but the sender's apparently was not.) Then, they realized that they were admitting involvement in illegal behavior--cybercrimes.
Go read the whole thing.
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Green Energy