Green Energy
MSNBC Poll Says Americans Are Fed Up With Islam

Ever since the London bombings I have been saying that the moderate Muslims had better start reaching out to us, and helping us in our stand against the Jihad. But alas, there has been no organized movement on the part of moderate Muslims to make any sort of effort.
Well, the wages of silence is the growing unhappiness of the Infidels:
How do you view Islam? 84,707 responsesFavorably. 14%Unfavorably. 73%I'm not sure. 13%Those are some pretty disastrous poll number my dear moderate Muslims.
Are you starting to understand the problem you are fomenting with your silence? Can you imagine what people will be saying if we get hit with a really big terrorist attack? One that leavess more than 10,000 Americans dead?
Can you imagine?
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Green Energy