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Multiple Shooters At Ft. Hood - Reports Are 7 Dead and 20 Wounded
Update 7:59 Fort Hood lockdown has been liftedMR Update 7:51 pm -- MSNBC now reporting 13 killed, 30 wounded. On Fox Congressman John Carter 2 suspects released but ANOTHER has now been picked up. Also, per someone else on Fox (didn't catch the name) the 2 released may have actually been trying to STOP the rampageUpdate -- Fox news interviewing 6:15 EasternTexas Congressman John Carter -- he states his information from the scene is the two in custody have been released and they are now looking for another shooter. (MR)UPDATE:
One of the shooters is identified as Major Malik Nadal Hasan.Hes' dead, two more in custody.
According to Midnight Rider, whom I just spoke to on the phone, Sheperd Smith is reporting on Fox News that Malik Nadal Hasan (quick note/clarification: Smith & Kay Bailey Hutchinson "refused to give the name they had" until they had it "from the Army officially". "But it [the name] says alot about this shooting, doesn't it?" one of them said --
MR) was motivated by his anger at being deployed to Iraq.
DON'T BUY IT. Shep is wearing his Boa again.
Malik had this planned with his two buddies. This is not a lone nut gunmen situation. This is a well-planned out terror attack.
From RevereRidesAgain:
revereridesagain said...
There was just a briefing from a 3 star general, says there are 12 dead. Shooter had 2 weapons. Confusion about the other two "suspects". He says all 3 are "soldiers".
From NBC:
The official would not give his name nor additional details. It was unknown whether victims are soldiers or civilians. One gunman was reportedly in custody and another was on the loose, NBC News said. A third shooter may be involved, according to NBC News affiliate KCEN, which said the person had opened fire on the SWAT team at the base.
KCEN reported that a policeman was among those shot.
KCEN in Waco reported that the second suspect may be holed up in a building on the post.
Greg Schannep, an aide to U.S. Rep. John Carter, told the Austin American-Statesman that he was on the Army post to attend a graduation service. He said that as he neared the entrance of a building where the service was being held, a soldier with blood on his uniform ran past him and said a man was shooting.
Schannep told the newspaper that the shootings appeared to have occurred in a complex near a theater where the service was scheduled. He was with the injured soldier, who he said appeared to have been struck in the shoulder but did not have life-threatening injuries.
According to unconfirmed reports, one of the shooters was being surrounded by police in the 42006 building on Fort Hood. That source told KCEN the shooter has a high-powered rifle.
The base was reportedly on lockdown. The Killeen Independent School District
said all Fort Hood schools are on lockdown.
Temple ISD is on a "soft" lockdown. Parents will be able to pick their children up at the normal times, though they may experience delays.
agents were reportedly on the way to the post.
Fort Hood is adjacent to Killeen, and 60 miles northeast of Austin. The sprawling complex is home to at least 4,929 active duty officers and 45,414 enlisted. Civilian employees total nearly 9,000.
Army spokesman Lt. Col. Lee M. Packnett said he was unaware if security measures were put in place at other military bases.
“At this point I do not know,” Packnett said.
President Barack Obama was briefed on the shootings, according to spokesman Robert Gibbs
Fort Hood has seen other violence in recent years. In September 2008, a 21-year-old 1st Cavalry Division soldier shot his lieutenant to death and then killed himself. Spc. Jody Michael Wirawan of Eagle River, Alaska. shot himself to death after shooting 1st Lt. Robert Bartlett Fletcher, 24, of Jensen Beach, Fla. to death.
This breaking news story will be updated with more details.
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