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Whoever is most organized is going to win this war in the long run (think about the scene from Gladiator
at the beginning of the movie, and think about the difference between the tight, organized attack by Rome against the tough but unorganized Germanians).
Right now in this war, Muslims are more organized. Check out what I just received in an email newsletter from MPAC (Muslim Public Affairs Council):
(New York City - 11/19/08) -- On Thursday, November 20th, the Muslim American Civil Liberties Coalition (MACLC) will hold a press conference at New York City Hall to mark the official release of its critique of the NYPD's controversial report "Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat."
Released last summer, the NYPD report falsely alludes to the susceptibility of all Muslim males aged 16 to 45 to terrorist ideology.
SEE: "NYPD Report Contradicts Federal Law Enforcement Findings" (MPAC)
At the press conference, MACLC members will provide recommendations to the NYPD to preserve national security interests, safeguard Muslim American civil liberties, and improve community-police relations.
WHAT: MACLC Press Conference Critiquing NYPD Report on Domestic Radicalism
WHEN: Thursday, November 20th, 2008 at 10:00 a.m.
WHERE: New York City Hall (front steps)
260 Broadway, New York, NY 10007
1. Naoma Naghawatte, Muslim Public Affairs Council
2. Faiza N. Ali, Council on American Islamic Relations
3. Sarah Sayeed, Women in Islam, Inc., Muslim Consultative Network
4. Sikh Coalition (invited)
5. The Brennan Center for Justice at NYU (invited)
The Muslim American Civil Liberties Coalition is a New York-based coalition of Muslim advocates, attorneys and community leaders created in 2007, in the wake of the New York City Police Department report, "Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat." MACLC exists for the purpose of articulating a New York-specific Muslim perspective on homeland security, civil liberties, and counterterrorism decision-making. [CONTACT: Naoma Nagahawatte, 917-344-0077, [email protected]; Faiza N. Ali, 212-870-2002, 718-724-3041, [email protected]; Sarah Sayeed, 917-414-8453, [email protected]]
This is pretty sophisticated. Everything about it has the sense of authority and legitimacy to anyone ignorant of taqiyya. They must be fought with equal or greater sophistication. One possible organization that may be equal to the task in the United States is AFA (ACT! For America).
I urge you to sign up for the AFA newsletter, to share the organization with all your friends, to join a local chapter in your area, and to read her two books.
Different countries have similar organizations. In Austria: Contact Mission Europa.Netzwerk Karl Martell at
[email protected].
If you know of a good organization taking effective action in your country, please leave contact information in the comments on this article.
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