Muslim Judge Finds Christian Guilty (of quoting Leviticus) in Britain
Green Energy

Muslim Judge Finds Christian Guilty (of quoting Leviticus) in Britain

Muslim Judge Finds Christian Guilty in Britain
The first is that the judge who found Mr Overd guilty is a Muslim by the name of Shamim Qureshi who also presides over Sharia courts in England. Now, no matter how unpleasant the Leviticus quote might be, the idea that a Muslim activist can find a Christian guilty of quoting the Bible in Christian Britain must surely set some alarm bells ringing, one would have thought. 
But apparently not. This outrage was reported by Christian Today several days ago and has been completely ignored by the mainstream media, which no doubt agree that prosecuting Christians is quite right if they dare to question the Holy Grail of progressive liberal orthodoxy. Clearly PC Plod thought the same thing too, as did the Crown Prosecution Service, which as an institution has not so much been long marched through than steam-rollered into a Soviet-style apparatus redolent of Stalin’s Show Trial era.

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