Green Energy
Muslim Lawyer Refuses to take off Niqab
Disrepectful of great British tradition of not wearing a large black sack over one's headShabnam Mughal was dressed completely in black with a full-face veil leaving only her eyes visible.
The judge, George Glossop, asked Miss Mughal on Monday if she would "kindly remove her veil to assist with communication". He told her: "It will allow me to see your face and I cannot hear you as well as I would like."
She declined to do so and Immigration Judge Glossop briefly adjourned the case. Later in the day, he asked her a second time. When Miss Mughal again refused to remove her veil, the judge adjourned the case until next Monday, pending consultations with Mr Justice Hodge.
Miss Mughal, in her twenties, who was representing a Sikh businessman challenging the Government's refusal to permit his nephew to visit Britain, was not taking media calls yesterday. A colleague said she was upset by what had happened.
advertisementJavid Hussain, practice manager at the Law Partnership in Coventry, where Miss Mughal works, said she had worn her veil while appearing before tribunals in different parts of the country for at least the past two years.
Other Muslim women at the firm did not wear veils, he said. It was a matter of personal choice.
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I think we may have to actually ban the niqab and burqa as clearly a small minority of Muslim women are intent on stiring up trouble, being deliberately provocative and in my eyes extremely disrespectful to the wishes of non-Muslim citizens.It has already been established by all major Muslim organisations the niqab or burqa is NOT a religious requirement at all.
If she and others like her feel so strongly about wearing the niqab then she should simply move to a country whose values and attitudes correspond with hers.
Where can Brits go to avoid such cringeworthy, embarassing. arrogant and frankly irritating Muslim women such as Shabnam Mughal? I find her Niqab offensive. I really do. But the authorities and the media rarely seem to give a fuck unless the person being offended is Muslim.
Judging from her picture, I'd say Saudia Arabia would suit her down to the ground. What on earth is she doing in a kafir nation such as Britain?
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Green Energy