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Muslim Poofers Want A Mufti

The idiot Muslims of Britain want a Mufti to tell them how to live. Only a man completely lacking in manliness would want another man to tell him how to live. It is becoming painfully obvious that Muslim men in general are queers:
Give us a Mufti, say UK Muslims
See the poll results in full
MOST British Muslims think there should be a single leader for their religion in Britain to act as their voice and help them to integrate.
So now they want a Mufti, this is not good, Mufti's are founded in the Kalifah the desired
Islamic state.
Having a Mufti will not in any way aid integration, Muslims do not want integration and if a Mufti were to be established in the UK the Muslim population would follow the diktats of the Mufti not British law.
In 1947 the State of Israel was founded and recognized as a State by all the world, except the Muslims, the then Grand Mufti in Jerusalem issued the order to kill all the Jews in that land, the murder of Jewish people in Israel and around the world by Muslims has not stopped since that Fatwa was declared.
Is this what we want to happen in the UK? because it will if the Government agrees to the installation of a Mufti.As for integration, well that claim is so ridiculous it is an insult to the intelligence of the most intellectually challenged people in the Nation, integration the Muslim concept of integration is demonstrated below:
SHOCK posters appeared in the East End this week calling on Muslims to "rise up against British oppression" and protest outside Downing Street."They were stuck on phone boxes and walls in Bethnal Green and Cambridge Heath on Friday, accusing Britain of a media
propaganda campaign against Muslims, attacking the veil and 'insults against messengers of God'. The criteria for integration is now quite clear, once again the call for our demise is made by these criminal people and it is not surprising that MP's are falling over themselves to prove how submissive they are to this barbaric cult, Stepen Pound has even promised that some non-discript Muslims birthday will be celebrated in the House of Commons EVERY YEAR.
This man is an utter disgrace and should have his status as am MP removed forthwith, this subservient little ingrate does not speak for me, I and many others do not wish to see Islamic leaders Birthdays celebrated in the House Of Commons.
The House of commons was set up in 1168 AD as a place where the "common man" could access and challenge the then lawmakers of the country, it was the peoples house, alas that is no longer the case, it would appear to be being turned into a party venue for Dhimmi MP's and Muslim leaders.
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