Green Energy
Muslim Society Of America Handles Funeral Of Somalian Muslim Found In Hotel With Large Quantity of Cyanide
A penniless man, in a luxury hotel.....that didn't notice a dead guy...for four days:

A Minnesota-based legal advocacy center for Somalis is assembling a troubling, curious background of a man found dead in a Denver luxury hotel Monday near a pound of deadly cyanide.
"He was psychotic; he was on medication," said Omar Jamal, executive director of the Somali Justice Advocacy Center, which has talked to dozens of people who knew Saleman Abdirahman Dirie, a 29-year-old Canadian citizen and former Somali refugee.
Dirie's journey to the U.S. and his stay in an expensive hotel does not fit the profile of his humble, somewhat reclusive life, Jamal said Thursday.
"People who knew him are shocked," Jamal said. "He was unemployed; he had no money. Whoever gave him the money for that hotel may have also given him the cyanide.
"We need to find that person."
Jamal said Dirie was not particularly religious and was not active in Somali groups as an adult.
Dirie was buried Thursday at Hampden Cemetery after a service at the Colorado Muslim Society's Abu Baker mosque.
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Man (with Muslim Mfing Name) Dead, Large Amount Of Possible Cyanide Found
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Yes But It Was Because They Were Oppressed
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