Green Energy
Muslim Women: Popping Them Out Like Cluster Bombs, But for How Long?

The population of muslim countries has tripled in the past 50 years. But there are signs that even in the backwater muslim countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh, muslim women are beginning to rebel.
Consider that for the last fifty years, the population of all Moslem countries has tripled. That's population growth that is more than double the rate of the world as a whole, and about ten times the rate of Europe. It's about five times the rate in the United States.
Previously posted at Al Fin
Many of those unemployed young men are angry, and making war is a typical activity of angry young men.
....While Islamic countries tend to have very low levels of education, especially for women, the introduction of satellite television and DVDs has enabled even illiterate women to learn that there are other options. Ignorance is an excellent form of control, but when the ignorance is lost, so is the control.
....Losing control of the women is something that makes Islamic conservatives very angry. Murderously angry. This is a vicious, lethal battle taking place largely out of the media spotlight. But, long term, it is destroying the source of Islamic terrorism.
Of course, by the time Islamic violence and terrorism have been trimmed by more civilised birthrates, very few non-muslims may still be alive. But then, that may be what Allah intended, and it is certainly what most muslim clerics intend. Keep killing the infidel to the last drop of muslim blood, or so it goes.
Palestinian muslims and Lebanese Shias seem particularly vicious and bloodthirsty--willing to make babies for the sole purpose of training them to be suicide bombers. That cultivated perverse hatred will only get them into trouble. It is not clear how much blame should be placed on the backward culture, and how much blame to place on the religious clerics who keep the hatred constantly inflamed.
One way or another, things will change. The level of violent hatred and violence coming from Islam cannot be sustained indefinitely.
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