Green Energy
Muslims Cry Foul Over Bomb-Sniffing Dogs

Muslim buttcracks are in an uproar all over the UK over the idea that they will soon be sniffed by dogs. They say, "No, this can't be done. This is haram."
But, the police say, "Yes, it will be done. It is necessary."
I say, "Not only is it necessary, but I think they ought to breed special dogs with anteater snouts to penetrate into those hard-to-sniff places.
From the Daily Mail:
Some Muslims had raised objections over being searched by the explosive-detecting animals, but British Transport Police have said they will continue to use the specially trained animals.
Dogs are considered to be unclean or impure in Islamic teaching and it is forbidden to keep the animals as pets.
The complaints came after a rail security trial at Brighton station, the Government revealed.
The Muslims reported that it was not permissible for them to have direct contact with dogs due to their religious or cultural beliefs.
In another trial on the Heathrow Express platform at London's Paddington station, there were instances when the body scan was considered unacceptable on religious grounds by female Muslims, the Government report said.
The report - on five rail security trials conducted in 2006 and the public's response to them - also showed:
- Some Asians and black people felt they could be selected for tests because of their ethnicity "or because their appearance fell in line with screening staff perceptions of a terrorist".
- Being selected for screening was an "embarrassment for Asian respondents in particular".
- Some people were uncomfortable about giving their personal details to BTP officers, as they were not sure why they were needed, or how they would be used.
- Some Muslims said they would avoid using a station with sniffer dogs because of their religious beliefs, while some young males, both black and white, said they would also avoid some stations as they feared the dogs would be able to detect drugs as well as explosives.
Asked if the findings would lead to certain measures not being used on certain people, a BTP spokesman said: "The legislation applies to everyone. It's not a case for exemptions.
As I understand it, these dogs are specially-trained so that the smell of explosives triggers an alert in the pleasure center of the cerebral cortex. This will, likely, cause the dogs to begin anyone who is indeed in possession of explosives.
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