Green Energy
Muslims Incite Hatred to Catholics and the Pope
Click to enlargeExtemist Muslims
inciting hatred against Catholics and Christians
As we came out about 100 Islamists were chanting slogans such as “Pope Benedict go to Hell,” “Pope Benedict you will pay, the Muja Hadeen are coming your way,” “Pope Benedict watch your back,” and other hateful things.
Last year a man had a poster saying "Islam out of Britain" he was promptly arrested and convicted.
Mark Norwood, an activist of the British National party, displayed in the window of his flat in Gobowen, a small town in Shropshire, a poster with the words "Islam out of Britain" next to a photograph of the World Trade Centre in flames, he was tried and convicted under a 2001 amendment to the 1998 Crime and Disorder Act.
I wonder if we will see the even hand of the authorities in this matter? I won't hold my breath.
Infidel Action Alert! Send a complaint to
[email protected] or report a 'Hate crime' here
[Cross posted on Drunken Blogging]
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