Green Energy
My Big Problem With the Term "Islamophobia"
I decided today to delve into this issue of the perfectly rational fear of Islamic encroachment on the West being wrongly called "Islamophobia". I realize that the apologists and the Taqiyya factories such as the OIC, CAIR, the ISNA etc. are behind this nonsense, and I have decided to skewer them in this post on my site What Would Charles Martel Do? Here is an excerpt, and yes, that is Pim Fortuyn in the picture. I hated to use it, can hardly look at is myself, but I want to keep jarring people into reality here. Here is an excerpt of "The Misnomer that is "Islamophobia" : Why Be Afraid?":

I have, as have most who write critically of Islam, been accused of "Islamophobia", a matter which has amused me greatly throughout the last several years, or since I have become so outspoken on the subject of Islam. The fact that the term is now being used more widely by both apologists for Islam and Muslims themselves is a matter that needs response, if not a thorough report. Here I will at least give a response, as well as some reporting on what I have found regarding "Islamophobia" floating around of late.
Make no mistake, I do fear Islam, and given their vast history of conquest as well as their more subtle tactics sanctioned for use against the "infidels", I do not think this fear irrational in the least. People who suffer from phobias are shackled by fears that are somewhat irrational in nature. Agoraphobics fear being out in public spaces, arachnophobics fear spiders to the point of sometimes being paralyzed by the mere presence of one of the little creatures. "Islamophobia", especially when applied to those who have studied both Islam and Islamic history and doctrine, refers instead to a rather rational response that is common to humans everywhere who desire the protection of their own culture and way of life. Given certain devious Islamic DOCTRINAL practices, such as al Taqiyya, in which Muslims are religiously sanctioned to use deceit and outright lies in their dealings with non-Muslims in order to advance the cause of Islam, I do not think that either mistrust OR fear are irrational. There are numerous speeches which have been given by Muslim leaders worldwide in Arabic which have been translated and reveal these same leaders to be saying quite different things to their Western audiences than their Muslim ones when giving speeches in Arabic.
In short, I fear Islam not out of an irrational fear of women who wear headscarves or for the fact that Muslims believe in a religion that is not mine. I am not a "xenophobe", to use another term which is quickly gaining currency in the al Taqiyya factories worldwide. I do not fear foreigners, even newer imigrants to the US who dress and believe differently than I do, and certainly don't have either a fear of Indian Hindus. I also am not aware of active efforts on the part of these same Hindus to issue religious decrees (as in the infamous Muslim "fatwas"), to launch massive efforts of either misinformation or conversion against my fellow Westerners. Rather, I fear Islam in much the same way that I would fear a train barrelling towards my car if I were stuck on the train tracks.
For the rest, please see
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Green Energy