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MySpace teenager declared runaway by court; told to hand over passport
Thank goodness the Tuscola County Family Court made a ruling to make sure that Katherine Lester could not slip out of the United States again, and that she undergo counseling (via Debbie Schlussel):
DETROIT (AP) -- Authorities have filed a runaway juvenile petition against a Michigan teenager who flew to the Middle East to be with a man she met on the Internet site.
The paperwork was filed Monday in Tuscola County Family Court by the county sheriff and prosecutor against Katherine Lester of Gilford, said Kyle Jaskula, the court administrator.
At a hearing on Monday, Judge W. Wallace Kent Jr. ordered Lester to give up her passport and undergo counseling. He did not rule on the validity of the petition, and further hearings have not been scheduled.
If the judge finds that Lester is a runaway, she could be placed under court supervision until she turns 18. Such supervision usually means she would be monitored by a probation officer and made to undergo counseling, Jaskula said.
Which is exactly what a lot of other youngsters who've been under the kind of indoctrination she has should be getting too.
On the other hand, the Islamist who coveted her as a bride, Abdullah Jimzawi, whose online screenname was Abdullah Psycho, requires some serious therapy. And the CBS affiliate that ran this sugar-drenched interview with him could use some too. From the treacly interview:
Six framed posters of Quranic verses and Islamic prayers adorned the walls [of Jimzawi's bedroom], including one depicting the 99 names of God.
Jimzawi, the second of five children, said he explained to Lester that she should convert to Islam to marry him.
"She said, 'No problem because I love you and I love your religion,"' he said.
EEEECCHH! Seeing that he wants to go to the US to meet her now, I think the parents and the authorities are going to have to take special measures to make sure he cannot.
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