Green Energy
NAACP Official: Obama Campaign Staffer Threatened Me
From Will at THE OTHER NEWS:CHICAGO (CBS) — The President of the South Suburban Branch of the NAACP alleges a director of the re-election campaign of Barack Obama has threatened and intimidated him because he doesn’t support the president.
WBBM Newsradio’s Mike Krauser has the exclusive story.
David Lowery says he believes he was threatened during a phone
conversation with Louis Raymond, the Illinois political director for Obama for America.
Lowery says he doesn’t personally support the president because he’s not addressing issues important to the black community. He said he was explaining that to Raymond when the Obama campaign official told him, “You know what? I know everything about you.”
Lowery says Raymond added, “We’ve been watching you, and since you don’t support Obama, we’ll deal
with you,” before hanging up.
Lowery filed a report with the Oak Forest police report, he says, “in case something happens.”
He says it was suggested the NAACP should automatically back the president. Lowery notes a non-profit cannot support a particular candidate.
Go read the whole thing at CBS Chicago.
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Green Energy