Ahmadinejad to Speak on Campus
By John Davisson
SEPTEMBER 19, 2007
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, president of Iran, has accepted an invitation to speak at Columbia from School of International and Public Affairs interim dean John Coatsworth, according to a spokesman.
The event is scheduled to take place on Monday, September 24--the same day that Ahmadinejad is scheduled to address the UN General Assembly--as part of the World Leaders Forum and will be sponsored by SIPA.
"Necessarily, on occasion this will bring us into contact with beliefs many, most, or even all of us will find offensive and even odious," University President Lee Bollinger said in a statement. "We trust our community, including our students, to be fully capable of dealing with these occasions, through the powers of dialogue and reason."
"Opportunities to hear, challenge, and learn from controversial speakers of different views are central to the education and training of students for citizenship in a shrinking and still dangerous world. This is especially true for SIPA students, many of whose careers will require them to confront human rights and security issues throughout the globe," Coatsworth said in a statement.
I'm looking for a parallel analogy for the west with Iran, but you know, we just don't have one. The foreign minister of Iran sits with David Duke at a Holocaust Denial conference with banality, and what can I conjure up to compare with such a thing?
This is not a freedom of speech, or an academic freedom to inquire issue any more than it would be if we have David Duke there to examine why blacks are inferior and jews back them up, and in doing so control the world by proxy.
That has no cachet.
And let's be clear that THIS is what we are talking about.
This is Leonard Bernstein inviting the Black Panthers to the cocktail party on crack.
He will want the same thing from you at the end of the day as he does now.
Why not invite a chief theoretician for the salafi freaks? That WOULD make sense.
THEN invite Mesbah Yazdi or Jannatti to examine the effect on western civilization of a messianic religious superiority cult in charge of nuclear weapons and its strategic meanings?
Instead, invited by the ill advised, misinformed, cloistered morons we have the living combination of David Irving, David Duke and Hermann Goebbels, appointed by limited choice in elections, via those who accept the idea that if Armageddon occurs, the perfect being, the new mahdi will arrive in Qom via a well to lead us all to paradise on earth?
The only thing we can discover from Mahmoud Achmadinejad at this point are more reasons to ensure that the hojatieh led mullocracy must GO. Will those who count this man accepting an invitation as a bonus turn into the insistent version of Tim Russert when he speaks? Will they tolerate such a questioner?
Or will they have tasers ready?
Will a student be able to ask about this:
Ahmadinejad described the Holocaust as a "myth" that has been used to impose the state of Israel on the Arab world and called for Israel to be wiped off the map.
"Ahmadinejad's Holocaust comment opened a new window in international relations on this issue. Twenty years ago, it was not possible to talk about [the] Holocaust and any scientific study was subject to punishment. This taboo has been broken, thanks to Mr. Ahmadinejad's initiative," Georges Theil of France told conference delegates on Tuesday.
Theil was convicted in France for "contesting the truth of crimes against humanity" after he said the Nazis never used poison gas against Jews.