News Flash: National Icons Threatened, Germany Navel Gazes While Others Act, Arrogant Ass Condemns Terrorism
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News Flash: National Icons Threatened, Germany Navel Gazes While Others Act, Arrogant Ass Condemns Terrorism

IMPORTANT NEWS FLASHES: We have a very disturbing report from the Islamic Front. It seems two of our national icons have really done it this time.

They’ve really ticked off Mo.

Britney Spears and Madonna have been threatened with forcible Islamic conversion and, if that doesn’t work, death. The hate-slinging comes courtesy of Muhammad Abdel-Al, mouthpiece and senior leader of the Popular Resistance Committees, a militant Palestinian organization that reps the Gaza Strip. According to a new book, Schmoozing With Terrorists, Mo promises that, “if these two prostitutes keep doing what they will do, we of course will punish them…We can stone them and even we can kill them.” He’s also quoted as having proclaimed:

“If I meet these whores I will have the honor – I repeat, I will have the honor – to be the first one to cut the heads off Madonna and Britney Spears if they will keep spreading their satanic culture against Islam.“

Better put on those burkas, ladies!

Meanwhile Germany can’t quite understand the connection between training for terrorism and actually committing terrorist acts and whether they should do something about it. So, they navel-gaze.

Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.

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