Green Energy
NGV's - a Solution for the Energy Crisis in America
Mr. Dave Waller (CEO - GEI) and Mr. Jim Lewis (COO - GEI) recently attended the Clean Fuels Ohio (CFO) Event in Canton, Ohio.
Dave Waller (GEI) and the Honda Civic NGV |
The CFO's event theme was 'The Compelling Case for NGV's'. click on link -
Mr. Stephe Yborra of the 'Clean Vehicle Education' foundation was the keynote speaker.
Mr. Yborra addressed a crowd of approximately 200 suppliers, natural gas well producers and CFO officials and those who are interested in making the move of utilizing natural gas for an independent, clean low cost fuel change for America.
Mr. Yborra main points included the benefits of NGV's and utilizing natural gas fuels and offered tips on how to implement a successful NGV program.
There where numerous vehicles were on display that were powered by CNG (compressed natural gas).
Chevrolet Impala NGV |
With fuel prices 'sky-rocketing' and the recent announcement by President Obama concerning the "Clean Fleets" for governmental vehicles, Americans are looking for clean fuel and low cost energy solutions.
GEI LLC has been working on a solution for this problem by utilizing natural gas technologies.
Ford Transit Connect NGV |
A Clean Fuels Solution . . .GEI LLC's JV partnership with several companies will help to bring Clean Natural Gas fuels to Ohio and the market place.
GEI / UG LNG's patented LNG (liquefied natural gas) cryogenic plants will allow natural gas fuels to be liquefied at a very low cost and allow for transportability of the LNG to LNG and CNG fuel suppliers and distribution points.
GEI / UG LNG's LNG fuel is a clean, low-cost domestically produced fuel that can be produced in the Marcellus Shale natural gas region and distributed to users through out the NE area of the US. GEI's / UG LNG's unique plant design allows for a modular installation, relatively quick start up and distribution of LNG product over a wide area.
Please continue to follow GEI's blog for more information and updates as we progress with bring natural gas fuels to the market.
Please take time and participate in the 'Gasoline Survey' on the upper left corner of this webpage. Thank You .
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Green Energy