Green Energy
The sonsabitches snuck this one in kinda quietly last week. I didn't see or hear much about it.
Let me make this clear to any Porkers sonsabitches and lowdown Celeb Presidents reading this.

I told you during the campaign and again now. You have no right nor business forcing me or mine or anyone to ANY type of National Civilian Service. If I'm working for you you are damn well paying me for it. This ain't fucking Beijing.
You bastards work for us. WE pay you. We don't work for you. The Federal government does not exist to put the people to work for it.
It exists at & by the will of the people. For the People. We the People. Period.
You can read the whole bill here
from Redcounty
Obama Requires YOU to SERVE, H.R.1388, "The Give Act" to reform the National Service Laws
By Rus Thompson
03/14/09 07:21 PM
My concerns are many with this Bill. What gives the Government the right to require individuals to give 3 years service under the guise of "volunteer" service? It is not explicit exactly who is required but I think they get the Bill passed and then iron out the details.
It talks about uniforms and "camps." They revise the word "camps" and call it "campus." There is language about Seniors and Community organizations.
Some language in the Bill is particularly disturbing like:
- "leverage Federal investments to increase State, local, business, and philanthropic resources to address national and local challenges;
- encourage national service efforts to address pressing national challenges, such as improving education for low-income students, increasing energy conservation, and improving the health, well-being, and economic opportunities of the neediest individuals in the Nation;
-expand and strengthen service-learning programs through year-round opportunities, including during the summer months, to improve the education of children and youth and to maximize the benefits of national and community service, in order to renew the ethic of civic responsibility and the spirit of community to children and youth throughout the United States;
- increase service opportunities for our Nation's retiring professionals
-encourage members of the Baby Boom generation to partake in service opportunities
- Civilian Community Corps shall be called the "National Civilian Community Corps"
-the Director determines appropriate "Uniforms"
Why does the Government have to create Laws to make people Volunteer? The Government should NOT legislate Volunteerism.
-How much money will this National program cost?
-Take note of the Miscellaneous Section (Title VI) of the Bill. Very Strange!!!
-Sec. 601. Amtrak waste disposal. -Sec. 602. Exchange program with countries in transition from totalitarianism to Democracy.
From the Misc. section, #6104: (6) Whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed, and how such a requirement could be implemented in a manner that would strengthen the social fabric of the Nation and overcome civic challenges by bringing together people from diverse economic, ethnic, and educational
backgrounds. . .
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Godammit The Sonsabitches Congresscreeps Passed It!
FIRE ALL OF 'EM! THE WHOLE DAMN LOT, BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE! Do you sonsabitches need me to turn it up? Say it louder? More Often? NO! FORGET IT! FUCK OFF! You Have NO Clue What Kind Of Grief You Are Setting Yourselves Up For! Damn if some folks...
Universal Service
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Green Energy