Green Energy
No More Ordinary Lives

Below is a quote from an excellent article entitled, Your War On Jihad:
"Every one of us that values equality and liberty has a role and an obligation in this war against Islamic supremacism and Jihad. No matter who you are, no matter how busy you are, no matter how many other responsibilities you have, this is your war on Jihad.
"None of us have a choice in this fight. This war is not an option for us; it is not something we can do when we have nothing else to do. Good intentions are not enough. Our nation, our people are at total war in a battle for the very values on which America was founded. We can't expect 'ordinary lives' during this war."
Imam In Tennessee: Jews And Christians Are Filthy, Their Property Belongs To The Muslim
From Jews News: US based Imam, Yasir Qadhi preaches openly that non muslims lives are forfeit and their property is legal for muslims to take in jihad, (and this would include women as sex slaves) yet no charges are brought against him. Tennessee imam: Jews...
Calls In The Muslim World To Intensify Jihad During Ramadan
From Memri:During Ramadan, the printed and electronic Arab media, including the jihadist websites, published numerous articles on jihad, with a special focus on the link between jihad and Ramadan.The main motifs of these articles were:· The month of...
What Part Does Racism Play In The Counterjihad Movement?
In a very long article, Courage and the Long War Against Islamic Supremacism and Jihad, Part One, (and Part Two), Jeffrey Imm makes a lot of solid points. Including this one: Groups with racist histories that otherwise claim to oppose "Islamization" are...
Stay Focused
The following is an excerpt from an article entitled, Your War On Jihad: "By internalizing our knowledge about Islamic supremacism and Jihad, our direction is clear. We must confront such an anti-equality, anti-liberty ideology. But we must make certain...
Storm Track Infiltration: Using Kafir Women For Islamic Domination
There is a well thought out plan created by the Islamo-fascists, or Islamists, to advance political Islam. That plan is being executed today and whose goal is the recreation of the Islamic Empire, re-establishing the Caliphate, and imposing Sharia law...
Green Energy