Fairies sighted in Bangor
Dressed in her “fairy” best, this sprite was a guest at a fairy party given by Carolyn Millar on July 7 in Bangor. Children at the party made fairy houses, ate cupcakes and fluttered about the flower gardens.
BANGOR, Maine — Do fairies exist? Apparently on West Broadway they do.A flock of fairies was spotted on Saturday, July 7, making fairy houses, eating cupcakes and flitting around the gardens at 101 West Broadway. The event, a party for small children and parents, was hosted by Carolyn Millar and co-hostesses Jennifer Millar-Coyle and Rebecca Millar-D’Alessio.As each “fairy” arrived she was given a set of wings, a butterfly bracelet and a finger-knit flower to use to adorn their fairy homes. They were escorted to a table in the dappled shade of a tall hemlock.On the table was a variety of items the fairies could use for decorating her fairy house. Each fairy was given a shallow leaf shaped bowl. Materials available for decorating included moss, pine cones, sea shells and twigs. And while some fairies preferred to go with a very natural theme, others opted for more glamorous fairy houses highlighted with sparkles and beads.When the fairies were sure their houses were perfect, they spent some touring the gardens. Flowers the fairies found in bloom were coreopsis and day lilies. They also found hosta and a moss garden in the shade.Iced tea, finger sandwiches, fruit and pink lemonade cupcakes were served to keep the fairies energized.Although the invitation did not suggest the guests dress up in their “fairy best” they all seemed to have the same idea and showed up in their swishiest, sparkliest dresses.Moms took breaks from clicking photos to help the fairies decorate their homes, not that they needed much help.Though a scorcher, it was a charming afternoon filled with fairy magic. Not only did the fairies get to take a little magic with them when they left, they also left behind a little fairy magic for the hostesses.