Green Energy
Not only that, he smelled like a fruit
‘Brosiery’ and ‘mantyhose’ take off as men seek the warmth, comfort… and ‘fashion statement’ of patterned tights

If you thought men in tights was a sartorial statement best left to medieval jesters, think again.
The underwear staple for women is making its way into wardrobes of the opposite sex - and the look is gaining popularity.
If any were in doubt as to the strength of the trend, it even has its own name: Mantyhose.
Read more:—fashion-statement-patterned-tights.html#ixzz1oRlbwITQ
It’s all over in the west.
Think the MEN who ran into the WTC to save people were wearing MANTYHOSE?
Obama's Ebola Negligence
A team of scientists at Northeastern University in Boston have used air travel information to predict where the deadly Ebola virus could reach in the next three weeks Read more:
Tribute To Colleen Hufford
Click directly on the images to enlarge them: Colleen Hufford (far right) is pictured with her husband KC, daughter Kelli and granddaughter Riley Read more:
“if Muslim Women Were Disadvantaged They Would Be The First To Complain”
Saleem Chagtai, guest speaker at Leicester University, trying to explain why women were forced to sit in the back of the lecture hall, in a seating are separated from the men.Full Quote:'Separate seating for men and women is not something we ever...
I don't know. Epa was discussing mantyhose and fruit and my brain just went here. . . ...
The Joy Of Muslima Fashions
Note that the Al Arabiya news article cited below is dated February 28, 2008. Fitna: The Movie (a working link at the time of this posting) cannot be blamed for the outburst of "Islamophobia." Via this posting at Sons of Apes and Pigs: DUBAI (
Green Energy