Obviously Soon Yi has sucked .... HIS BRAINS OUT
And this is the LA Times:
Top political strategist Woody Allen thinks Obama would get much more done as dictator; No, reallyThe notorious and formerly funny movie director Woody Allen is apparently frustrated with the cumbersome operations of American democracy too.
The one-time-father-now-husband-of-his-daughter tells the Spanish-language magazine La Vanguardia that the United States' Democratic Smoker-in-Chief could accomplish a whole lot more from his White House if he didn't have so many disorderly, annoying people objecting, distracting and criticizing him all the time.
Such social messiness has been known to occur in functioning democracies, even cinematic ones, although less often on celebrity-strewn movie sets under the direction of a dictatorial director.
"It would be good...if (Obama) could be dictator for a few years because he could do a lot of good things quickly," Allen is quoted as saying.
Allen is also said to have said:
I am pleased with Obama. I think he is brilliant. The Republican Party should get out of his way and stop trying to hurt him.
Are there really any words?
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