Green Energy
Nugent Rocks!

Ted Nugent is a bow-hunter. He hunts, he kills, he eats, and he uses the skins.
In short, he is a man.
Some pussy from the UK paper, the Independant (maybe they ought to rethink the name of their paper, huh?) interviewed Ted Nugent the other day. Here are the bloody results.
From No Pasaran:
Q : "What do these deer think when they see you coming?" I ask him. "Here comes the nice guy who puts out our dinner? Or, there's the man that shot my brother?"
A : "They're only interested in three things: the best place to eat, having sex and how quickly they can run away. Much like the French."I'll bet you the pussy who was doing the interview found himself strangely attracted to Ted at that very moment.
Sorry, Nugent, Time To Slink Away And Just Sing
Let no one say Al Sharpton is the only kind of political racist ass hole that gets recognition.Ted Nugent while aiding the campaign of the Republican for governor of Texas, called the president of the United States, a “subhuman mongrel”.I...
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Ted Nugent Should Be In Prison - Period - End Of Story
“It isn’t the enemy that ruined America. It’s good people who bent over and let the enemy in," he said. "If the coyote’s in your living room pissing on your couch, it’s not the coyote’s fault. It’s your fault for not shooting him." --- Ted...
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Green Energy