Green Energy
Obama: The Self-Proclaimed Messiah

Little Green Footballs notes a passage of Obama's acceptance speech which I had not heard:
Last night Barack Obama broke all records for campaign promises, with one of the most over the top self-aggrandizing statements ever uttered by a presidential candidate.
I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back
and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for
the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the
oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.
He’s going to heal the sick and make the oceans part.
It's Not The He Isn't The Messiah, It's Just That He's The "epically Incompetent" Messiah ... Yeah, That's It
His Highness, The Messiah Barack Obama From Commentary: The last eight months have battered the Obama administration. From the botched rollout of the health-care website to the VA scandal, events are now cementing certain impressions about Mr. Obama....
It’s Not Just That Progressives Don’t Get It, It’s That They Don’t Get That They Don’t Get It
Steve Benen has been a shill for Obama for quite a while, but here he demonstrates for all the values that the ideology of LUXURY will, among that elite group always matter more than the practicalities of necessity.From the MaddowBlog (vat den?)Rising...
Arthur Davis: Speech To The Republican National Convention
"We've got to get on with the show, because we have a country to turn around." Former Democratic Alabama Rep. Artur Davis, who introduced President Barack Obama in 2008 at the Democratic Convention in Denver, appeared before the Republicans in...
Front Page Mag: The End of Obama? Posted By Alan W. Dowd On July 8, 2010 @ 12:23 am Just about everyone says President Barack Obama’s Democrats will lose and lose big in 2010. Some are even calling Obama a one-term president. Although it’s far too...
Is Obama Going Crazy?
The Moschiach Baruch Obomination is ready for his Horonation, I mean, Coronation. From the American Thinker: Yes we joke around about the messiah's "Messiah" complex. No one can run for President without at least being a little full of themselves.But...
Green Energy