Obama apparently makes it
Green Energy

Obama apparently makes it

And along with him his judgment on advisers and policies....

Merrill 'american jews are the problem' Mcpeak

Samantha 'criticism of Obama is about what's good for the jews' Power

Zbig 'american jews are too powerful Mcarthyites, and Walt and Mearsheimer were right' Brzezinski

Robert 'I do negotiate with Hamas' Malley

Susan 'let's appoint Jimmy Carter and Jim Baker as chief middle east negotiators' Rice

Jeremiah twenty years of sermons and white hatred Wright ( do we need any links?)

The truly bad comic Pflegler



A record as the most liberal senator, to the left of Bernie 'I am a socialist' Sanders

And finally and perhaps most important, the NOT LEFT OUT...Scolding, ashamed of america, claiming we are downright mean and prefer to hold to our ignorances, Meeechelle.

The democrats should be in position to crack the vapid and listless republican party wide open in a year like this.

They are not.

They may yet make a ticket out of the most liberal, most unprepared, and most objectionable and repulsive people available for President and VP. And I don't want to hear baloney about race and gender..not when it could have been a Harold Ford.

That says it all.

And they STILL might do it.

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Jimmy Carter via last.fmDavid Ignatius reports Barack Obama is seriously considering IMPOSING a solution on Israel to create a mideast peace. Despite recent turbulence in U.S. relations with Israel, President Obama is "seriously considering"...

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- Barack Obama's Invidious Mindset On Israel And The Jews Is Demonstrated By Him Again
It's not enough that already appointed by Mr. Obama are: Merrill 'american jews are the problem' Mcpeak Samantha 'criticism of Obama is about what's good for the jews' Power Zbig 'american jews are too powerful...

- Their Perception- If They Have To Run Against Mccain They Lose, Against Bush They Win
I'm already sick of hearing about Bush's 3rd term. Anyone else? With the dedication of the Carville-Begala 'it's the economy, stupid' the democratic machine which Clinton spawned, and Rahm Emanuel smartly continued, they...

- Barry Obamessiah, The Rocket Scientist Of Judgement ..advisor Malley Was In Regular Contact With Hamas
TIMES UK: One of Barack Obama's Middle East policy advisers disclosed yesterday that he had held meetings with the militant Palestinian group Hamas - prompting the likely Democratic nominee to sever all links with him. Robert Malley...

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