Green Energy
Obama The Traitor: His Plan To Defeat ISIS All Smoke And Mirrors
Obama is living up to his Islamic middle name: Hussein.According to a November 27 article in the
Barack Obama plan to defeat Isil dismissed by US intelligence experts: Former and serving diplomats and intelligence officials tell the Telegraph that President Obama's hopes of defeating Islamic State are based on "smoke and mirrors" and the intelligence community is totally broken, particularly with regard to a strategy for defeating the Islamic State.
Think about the progression over the course of less than two weeks.
On November 12, Barack Hussein Obama
tells George Stephanopoulos that ISIS is definitely "contained" and, in essence, not an existential threat because the Moslem savages are not gaining strength.
Then on November 13 come the Paris jihad slaughters.
Next, on November 21, Brussels, the headquarters of NATO and the seat of the European Union, goes on lockdown for several days.
On November 25, Barack Hussein Obama
addresses the American people to tell us "the combined resources of our military, our intelligence, and our homeland security agencies are on the case" and "be vigilant."
Our intelligence agencies are "on the case"? Really? Remember this from the linked article:
“Where is the intelligence community? It is totally broken on this.”
The evidence is piling up that there is more going on than incompetence, misfeasance and delusion
The problem may indeed lie in senior leader decision-making and risk assessment. Ultimately, though, the buck stops at the desk of the Oval Office.
Obama Gets Shredded For Throwing Intelligence Officials Under The Bus On ’60 Minutes'
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House Intel Chair Rogers: Intel Officials Warned Obama About Isis “for Over A Year
Fetch Me Some Interesting Italians From The Hill: House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) said the intelligence community had warned President Obama about the threat from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria for “over a year.” “This...
New York Times: Isis Is At The Southern Border Of The U.s. And Will "imminently Launch Car Bomb Attacks"
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The "insufficiently Engaged" President
Thus has the Washington Post reported. The most recent evidence of Obama's being "insufficiently engaged": Even MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski Can't Understand Why Obama Won't Visit the Border. Remember back when — when, in New Orleans, Obama...
Philip J. Berg Files Motion To Expedite Resolution In Berg Vs. Obama
Plaintiff Phil J. Berg filed two motions today seeking an expedited resolution in Berg v. Obama. (PDF's of the motions are attached below.) PLAINTIFF’S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AGAINST DEFENDANTS, BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA and THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL...
Green Energy