Green Energy
Obama's Heavy Eyelids
Yesterday, I gritted my teeth and watched Obama's New Year's message (
Forget politics for a minute.
The man doesn't look well:

In fact, if you
watch the video, you might notice, as I did, that Obama's right eye isn't centered all the time. In fact, his right eye is rolling inward; his left eye is behaving normally and not rolling inward.
I tend to notice eye issues because (1) I've had two cataract surgeries and (2) Mr. AOW has trouble with one of his eyes rolling a bit since his stroke of September 15, 2009.
Was Obama hung over when he taped that New Year's message? Or was
something else going on?
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Videos: Vietnam Vet Takes On Harrassing Punk
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Obama Says He Saw The Rolling Stones At "the House Of Bluesiness"
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Skeletons In Obama's Closet
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Green Energy