Green Energy
Occupy Reading, Pa?
Reading Eagle
Occupy Wall Street movement spins off small protest in ReadingA movement that has been popping up in cities around the United States has hit Reading.About 25 people gathered Friday evening on the sidewalk along the east end of the Penn Street Bridge to "Occupy Reading."
The demonstration is an offshoot of the Occupy Wall Street protests that sprang up in New York last month and have spread to nearly 1,000 cities across the nation.
Local demonstrators said their message is simple.
"Basically, our only agenda is to take big money out of government, out of the military," said a 30-year-old Reading man who declined to give his name.
The protestors held homemade signs and shouted slogans such as "Stop corporate welfare," "Tax the millionaires and billionaires," and " Let's take our country back."
The group received quite a bit of attention, as dozens of passing motorists blared their horns.
The protest started small but that didn't bother Adam Blumberg, 31, Shillington.
"If it's just the three of us the rest of the night that's OK (as long as the message gets out)," he said.
In Kutztown? Really? You wanna protest the Amish farmers and Occupy their livestock?Reading Eagle:
'Occupy' movement comes to Kutztown

About 30 people occupied the northwest corner of Whiteoak and Main streets in Kutztown on Wednesday to protest corporate greed and to show solidarity for the Occupy Wall Street protests that are sweeping the nation.
Protest organizer Nicholas Imbesi, 19, of Centre Township said he used Facebook and other social media to get the word out that the protest was taking place beginning at 11 a.m. in front of the Wells Fargo bank branch on the corner.
"I also stood out on Main Street in front of Old Main with a sign telling people what we were planning," said Imbesi, a sophomore public administration major at Kutztown University, a few blocks from the bank.
"If we can't go there (New York) because of classes, we can do something here," Imbesi said.
Imbesi said he never contemplated a true occupation of the corner and planned the event to last the afternoon Wednesday.
"The police came to talk to me and told me we couldn't camp out here overnight, or anything like that," Imbesi said.
David DeWalt, 61, of Robeson Township said he joined the protest because he wanted to be a part of the larger Occupy Together movement. Wells Fargo was targeted by the Kutztown protest because it accepted $25 billion in federal bailout funds.
"It's a national movement that started in New York and is now in 250 cities around the world," DeWalt said.
He noted that an Occupy Reading protest is planned for Friday at Sixth and Penn streets in Reading.
Wells Fargo spokesman James A. Baum said the bank branch on Main Street in Kutztown was a convenient target for the protest. He said Wells Fargo paid back the bailout funds it received with interest.
Nevertheless, he said Wells Fargo hears the protestors.
"We find it valuable to listen to what our stakeholders have to say," Baum said in a statement. "We recognize Americans are demanding more from their financial institutions during these difficult economic times."
You dumbass punks couldn't organize and Occupy a wet dream.You're half the reason Reading's in the shape it is. Between your entitlements and the drugs. The great percentage of beatings shootings murders etc comes from the drug gangs, largely Latino gangs.
Protest that, you fucking shitbirds. Clean up the streets, help drive the drugs and gangs and violence out and maybe, MAYBE, businesses will start coming back and hiring again.Until you can start standing up and fighting for the town you live in STAND DOWN AND SHUT THE FUCK UP.
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