Green Energy
Ode to the Ewoks
We all love the Ewoks,
They’re our kind of creatures,
They have everything we require
In the way of left-wing features.

They’re unsophisticated primitives
Against the tyranny of Empire,
Using stone-age weapons to sink
The oppressor in a quagmire.

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Our Children Are The Guarantors »
What Is Moralism?
Moralism is the use of the language of morality to immoral ends. Moralism is to confine the requirement of moral behavior to only one of the sides, exempting the other. [...] In full on Our Children Are The Guarantors »...
Left, Right: What Really Matters
I have used the term, “The Left” on my blog innumerable times to denote, as a whole, the post-colonial, anti-Western, pro-Islam column in the non-Muslim world. The term serves as a shorthand, but I am slightly uncomfortable with it. The division of...
From Anti-defamation To Intellectual Meritocracy
This post is not in any way meant as a disparagement toward the Anti-Defamation League, nor as an accusing finger against that organization, which has been engaged in sacred work, born out of brotherly love, ever since its founding. My purpose is only...
Ichabod: The Departing Of Former Glory
This is a picture of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, president of the United States of America from 1933 to 1945. He led America through the hard years of the Great Depression, and then presided over America’s participation in World War II, at first through...
Alliance Of The Pristinians
(Note: this post dates originally from August 24, but I was only just today invited to contribute to IBA. I decided to post it because it’s one of my most important and, I think, best done so far. —ZY) In this post I cover another important unholy...
Green Energy