Green Energy
On FNC Yesterday

Cowardice and dhimmitude made their appearance yesterday afternoon, when a Fox News Channel anchor said something like this to Ms. Gabriel during a discussion of the Pope's
recent baptism of Magdi Allam:
"Don't you think that the Pope's baptism should have been done in a less visible manner? Some people might get upset."In other words, Christianity should tone itself down so as not to offend Muslims.
Huh? What's that?Turn the situation around, and just imagine the furor if a news anchor suggested during Ramadan season, "How about toning down the Hajj? It upsets non-Muslims." I can see the reaction in my mind's eye right now.
Just take a look at
this list of things offensive to Muslims. What doesn't offend them?
I'm sick and tired of all the pandering to Islam, all of the tripe about Islam being a religion of peace." I'm sick and tired of dhimmitude.
If Muslims can't get used to the idea that they don't have a right not to be offended, they shouldn't be living in Western countries. We Westerners are a contentious bunch and are busy "offending" anyone and everyone. So what?
Besides, being offended is part of the victimology mindset, which, in and of itself, leads to stagnation. Is such stagnation what that FNC news anchor wants to promote?
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Muslim Temper Tantrums
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Green Energy