Green Energy
Once Again, UCI Stands Up For Jew-Hatred
If you think my title is over-the-top, then consider this: The University could stand up against this provocation. Presumably, the Administrators has some say over what is displayed on such digital signage. Certainly, the University owns the sign. Perhaps they could have ceded control of the content on the signage to the Student Union at some point. However, let's face it, if the Student Union displayed something the Administration disagreed with vehemently, the display would be ended, pronto.
But, they choose to do nothing.
And, in the case of such blatant Jew-hatred, UCI chooses silence, at best. (We don't know what they are thinking behind the scenes.)
On such a serious topic, their silence is worse than consent. It is encouragement. That's my why I say UCI is standing up for Jew-hatred.
UCI is showing us what it must have been like to live in the early stages of Nazi Germany.
From Gateway Pundit:
UC Irvine Advertises Hate On Campus
UC Irvine promotes hate:
OC Task Force
The Muslim Student Union's "Israel: The Politics of Genocide" event began May 5 and runs through May 21.
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful...
The Muslim Student Union at UC Irvine presents
May 5th - May 21st, 2009
Guest speakers include noted anti-Semites Cynthia McKinney and George Galloway.

Jew-bashing hate speech is allowed.
Sign the petition, and let UCI Chancellor Michael Drake know how you feel.
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Green Energy