Green Energy
One Has Nothing To Do With The Other, Right?

Austrian Teacher Investigated After Telling Class Mohammad Was a Child Molester
Swedish Mother Invites Refugee Into Her Home Who Promptly Rapes Her 10 Year-Old Daughter…
Father Of The Week: Father's Day Edition --- Two Men Use Girl As Human Shield — Until Her Father Guns Them Down
From the Daily Caller: A St. Louis couple is likely thankful to have guns in their home after they were forced to use them to defend their daughter against two men Monday night. The men, one of whom had an extensive rap sheet, confronted the couples’...
Philadelphia Teacher Compares Student’s Romney T-shirt To A Kkk White Sheet
A Philadelphia high school teacher is under investigation after she reportedly ordered a student to take off a t-shirt supporting Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign and compared the shirt to a Ku Klux Klan sheet.The incident occurred at Charles...
14-year-old took her life because of group rape From Will at The Other News:A 14-year-old girl in Trondheim took his own life after being assaulted and raped by three teenage boys. Only four weeks after she reported the rape at Kristiansten fortress,...
13-year-old California Girl Flees Family To Avoid Arranged Marriage In Pakistan
The story was first reported here, but I think the UK Daily Mail (via Big Peace) has better coverage: A 13-year-old schoolgirl who was missing for more than a week ran away because she was terrified by her mother and stepfather's alleged plot to send...
Sweden Sentences Man For Forcing Fgm On His Daughter
Finally, a sentence handed down for a European Muslim parent who took his daughter out of the country for a clitoridectomy. These laws have been on the books for over two decades in some cases, but are widely ignored throughout European countries by the...
Green Energy