Green Energy
Oprah Left Wright's Church Years Ago Because Of Hateful Sermons
From La Times Blogs, via Gateway:
Oprah knew hate speech:
Winfrey campaigned for Obama in Iowa, which he won, in South Carolina, where he won, and in New Hampshire, where he lost. We haven't heard much about Winfrey since the voting started. Did she realize something we're just getting? We heard only that she left the controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ several years ago, reportedly over some of his more militant sermons that Obama says he never heard.
Roger Simon: Obama Lied When He Told Us He Was Not A Racist
From Roger Simon: ... Obama was elected on a lie, a big one that was enabled by the mainstream media, and that by the time he was in office he had spent his credit. Belief was gone. Everyone knew he was a liar, including many liberals, even if they wouldn’t...
Jeremiah Wright, If Nothing Else Stuck On Stupid To Appear At National Press Club
WASHINGTON--The controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright -- Sen. Barack Obama's pastor -- is speaking Monday at the National Press Club as part of a divinity conference of black church leaders. Wright's decision to headline an event at...
Why Did Obama's Church Honor Farrakhan: From The Jackasses Mouth
Obama says his church honored Farrakhan because of his good works in "the community." Don't believe him (From Richard Cohen at the Washington Post): Barack Obama is a member of Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ. Its minister, and Obama’s...
Easter: Blasphemy In Action
I am not a particularly religious person, but I am deeply offended by this! The new rev. at Obama's church had the gall to compare the questioning of Rev. Wright's racist, anti-American, lying hateful sermons, to Jesus Christ and what He faced....
Then I Guess We Can Forgive Trent Lott For Speaking So Warmly Of The Racist Pig Thurmond
How stupid do these people really think we are? MSNBC: Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., condemned racially charged sermons by his former pastor Friday and urged Americans not to reject his presidential campaign because of "guilt by association."...
Green Energy