Green Energy
Oriana Fallaci Square in place of a mosque
Some good news from Via Cutrone
VERONA — Goodbye mosque. In its place, Oriana Fallaci Square. This decision was taken by the committee of Oppeano (Verona), where yesterday morning a building used by Muslims for prayer was bulldozed. In its place, the Municipality will create a public square named after the writer of The Rage and the Pride, which promoted a bitter campaign against Islam.

The decision to raze the structure which had been opened by ONLUS (Organizzazione Non Lucrativa di Utilita’ Sociale, a non-profit registered Italian charity) “For the success of Muslims”, was taken by the municipal administration, which acquired the area for €70,000 in order to transform it into an open area for parking and green space. “My citizens did not want this takeover,” explained the mayor, Alessandro Montagnoli, deputy of the Lega Nord, “above all because it could create problems of practicability and cohabitation with the residents.”
Eilat's Municipality Turns Shameless: They Want To Build Tourist Monument For Mecca Goers
This is most truly insulting and inappropriate: The residents of the southern Israeli city of Eilat are shocked at a plan by the municipality to establish a monument in the heart of the city’s downtown to commemorate Arab pilgrims to Mecca. The monument...
Uk: Halal Pizza Only At Domino's
From Mail Online (hat tip to Weasel Zippers), and it's not going over well with the infidels: Residents have threatened to boycott a Domino's Pizza - after it took pork off its menu and now only offers halal food. Customers in Blackburn are angry...
Wilders Receives The Oriana Fallaci Award In Rome
Speech by Geert Wilders Rome, February 19, 2009 Signore e signori, molte grazie. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much. I feel very honoured to have been invited to speak here in Rome, to speak here in this splendid city, the cradle of our Western...
Fallaci Exhibit At Nobel Peace Center
From this source, on May 26, 2008: Nobel Peace Center opens controversial Fallaci exhibition An exhibition dedicated to the late Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci, known in her later years for a fiercely anti-Islamic stance, has gone on display at Nobel...
Decapitation As Art?
From a Front Page Magazine article by Robert Spencer: "A disgraceful art exhibit in Milan has illustrated once again the deep affinity between the Left and the forces of the global jihad. In these days of Muslims the world over calling for the deaths...
Green Energy