Image via Wikipedia
Say NOTHING which can be written down.
Do nothing which can be recorded and transmitted.
No action in the domestic or foreign realm can now be undertaken in which change is the final object in which moral perfection by the observer (whoever that is) is not present.
No one will talk to us.
No one will act in concert with us.
No one will talk about acting in concert with us.
In fact no one may be talking to anyone (except perhaps Israel, who probably no longer cares about any of this).
This is "something of a disaster for U.S. diplomacy," Charles Hill, a professor at Yale and a former U.S. diplomat, told me in an email. "Not because of what's revealed--everyone knows all diplomatic services do and say such things--but because it has been revealed in a way that indicates the U.S. has lost its ability or willingness to keep such material closely held. So foreigners will tell us less and we will write less down and less substance will be conveyed to Washington. An earlier phase of this came in the late 1980s when it became clear --I was involved--that notes of internal Washington meetings could not be protected from release. So people stopped keeping notes. The result has been that the official record has withered, as has history's knowledge of what happened. Now that loss is extended to foreign meetings."
Now if your purpose is Ragnarök, utter conquest without regard to suasion or perfection, or you report to a higher authority not subject to any of this, then your cause has been improved and reinforced, and Julian Assange and his friends have done this.
Is there any clearer call to action by the CIA? Our armed forces?
His enemies are now manifest. He and his friends could be grabbed by the Al Saud, Yemenis, Pakistanis, French, Latvians, Germans ...
We don't even have to kill him.
I am certain that someone in Ouagoudougou would take some $$ to keep them locked up and fed forever.
Or we can just kill the guys on the grassy knoll after they fulfill their function.
So Sorry.
That's how serious I believe this is.
Julian Assange is a danger to free men and women everywhere.
He is not simply a danger to bunch of pompous asses in the US State dept.
This is not simply EMBARASSING
Julian Assange has done more harm to freedom and its supporters than anyone in the Muslim brotherhood's children organizations
Anyone else wish we had a crazy cowboy, or someone who SURVIVED North Vietnamese torture in a POW camp president?
This is NOT a friendly world. It is a world of power and intimidation, and back room deals. It is a world the Greeks understood correctly. War is man's natural state. So sorry. That's how it is. We all live in the shadow of that truth.
Make lemonade, CIA.