Back on April 9th, I exposed the first-hand undercover investigation that was done in Al-Farooq mosque in Nashville, TN. What had been exposed was unthinkable.Much more HERE.
I ran video footage of a first-hand undercover investigation done in Al-Farooq mosque. Go here to a 7 year old talk about her husband and how they are beaten during shariah class.
And now this from Child Services: I thought you might like to know the results of the Al Farooq mosque investigation...I guess it was not enough to tell them that the abuse occurred in the school and mosque and give the child's name and mother's name. We were supposed to follow them to their residence too, right?form letterThey did nothing. Private citizens did all the work, took all the chances, presented law enforcement with the case, with the evidence and they did nothing.
April 26, 2009
Ref # 3862552
Thank you for sharing your concerns about [name redacted -ed] reported to the Department of Chnildren's Services on 04-11-2009. The item checked below refers to the disposition of this report.
Although we understand your concerns, the information that you provided of suspected child abuse and/or neglect will not result i n an assessment or investigation. The information that you provided of suspected child abuse and or neglect:
X Does not provide information necessary to locate the family. (Example: No valid address, location or whereabouts of the famiily are unknnown)
Stephen Scaglione,
DCS CM3 Team Leater
letter prepared by Geneine Duff
Imagine if these were Mormons not Muslims.