Green Energy
Pakistan Deals With The Cartoon Issue
E Mullah is from Pakistan, living in the US, he has become a friend of mine. This is a disturbing post from him...
Bush pats Musharraf for blocking my Blog
"The Supreme
Court of Pakistan on Thursday directed the government to block
internet sites displaying sacrilegious cartoons and called explanation from authorities concerned as to why these sites had not been blocked earlier." In order to comply with supreme court orders the GOPak has blocked all websites ending with
. This action has resulted in blocking all weblogs and Mr. Bush, visiting Pakistan, has given a pat on Mr. Musharraf's back
for blocking my Pakistani readers. Pakistani readers cannot read the blogs anymore but they are able to post web logs because the primary blogger
address is not blocked. Thanks to those who started an internet-blog based cartoon war on Muslim sensibilities, believing that they can teach respect and freedom of speech to Muslim countires. Now we cannot teach them anything except how to close their doors.Update: Joining hands to Condemn Censorship of Blogs in Pakistan (more here...
Well, that's one way to deal with the Cartoon issue!
Fuck Your Sovereignty, Mushy
We did what you and the Pakistanis refused (and prevented others from) to do for ten years. Maybe you would have preferred we just drop something in the ten kiloton range on that compound? Washington Times: Musharraf: Bin Laden mission violated Pakistan...
JihadWatch: Pakistan, in fury over Draw Muhammad day, shuts down Facebook, YouTube War on Free Speech -- and remember, the OIC and Co. are trying to bring it to the West. "After Facebook, Pakistan shuts down YouTube," by Kamran Haider for Reuters, May...
Maldives: Mass Internet Censorship In Effect
Ironic isn't it? Just a little over a week ago, the President of Maldives Mohamed Nasheed announced his intentions of making Maldives a sanctuary for dissenting writers from countries such as Burma. Now, a week later, Haveeru News reports that the...
If Bin Laden Told Them To Jump Off A Bridge, Would They? ... Uh, Never Mind, Don't Even Bother To Answer That Question
As if on cue, Pakistani Islamists are agitating for Musharraf to be run from office: ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Hundreds of Islamists chanting slogans against Pakistan's military leader rallied outside the Supreme Court on Friday as judges heard petitions...
Infidel Bloggers Alliance Blocked By U.s. Dept. Of Interior
From Baron at Gates of Vienna: This email just came in from a reader: Howdy,I’m a long-time reader, without ever actually commenting on anything. Yesterday the U.S. Department of the Interior installed blocking software on their entire network. Gates...
Green Energy