Green Energy
Peaceful Palestinian Arabs, yet again
In Palestine Today's photo essay of Palestinian Arabs thronging to the courtyard of the Al Aqsa mosque during Eid al Adha, we see this giant banner draped over the entrance:
Looking closer, we see:

A map of "Palestine".
Which does not show Israel as existing.
Neither does it show any of historic Eastern Palestine, on the other side of the Jordan.
So no one can argue that they are just depicting a map of "Palestine" as it existed for centuries, because that map would look something like this the picture on the right.
The Negev isn't a part of it, and the western parts of Jordan are.
Once again, we see that the definition of "Palestine", according to "Palestinians," is whatever territory Israel happens to control at that point in time. It has nothing to do with age-old conflict nor does it have anything to do with historical facts - the desire for a Palestinian Arab state is simply the desire to destroy the Jewish state. Otherwise, they would be pining for much of Jordan.
The Palestinian Arabs have not the least compunction about publicly declaring their desire to see Israel destroyed, using huge signs, in full view of tens of thousands of people. (This is not even mentioning the Fatah logo, the maps shown in schools, and so on, which all echo the same desire to annihilate Israel.)
And the West refuses to notice.
(cross-posted at Elder of Ziyon.)
Apparently, Sweden Approves Borders Of ‘palestine’ With Israel Erased
From Times of Israel Blogs: Here is a picture of Hillevi Larsson. She is a Member of Parliament in Sweden’s extremist Social Democratic-led government. She is happy because she has just received an award from the Palestinian Association of Malmö,...
Newt Gingrich Acknowledges That "palestinians" Are An Invention
Specifically, one to delegitimize Israel's existence. From AGI (via Jihad Watch): (AGI) Washington - The Republican White House candidate Newt Gingrich has accused Obama of taking sides with the Palestinians. The former Speaker and election front-runner...
Palestine Logo (used At The United Nations) Suggests Elimination Of Israel
From the Weekly Standard: The logo of “the Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations” – on their website and on top of their official statements at the U.N. – shows the Palestinian Authority’s claim to a Palestine that stretches...
Abbas Openly Calls On Palestinians To Attack Israel; Mass Media Again Misses The Train
WorldNetDaily reports that "Abbas' call to arms was not reported by most major media outlets featuring articles on the Palestinian leader's speech." More details at Jerusalem Post: Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday called...
Canonical List Of Reasons Idiots Give To Fund Palestinian Arabs
Humanitarian reasons: (EU) If the reason is purely humanitarian, then why do Palestinian Arabs deserve millions of dollars more than starving kids in sub-Saharan Africa? It is not like they do not have resources to grow crops or provide medical care -...
Green Energy