Green Energy
Physician, anneal thyself.
"Do no harm." BUT. Do no harm to Muslims. The kufar don't matter. In fact, kill the unbelievers wherever you find them. It is a command from Allah, Koran 9:5, the Sword Verse. Not all Muslims take it literally, do they? Not all Muslim doctors take it literally do they? Not all Muslim doctors in Vancouver, Canada take it literally do they?
Who knows?
Eight suspects 'have links to NHS'
Press Association
Wednesday July 4, 2007 4:53 AM
All eight people arrested in connection with car bomb attacks in London and Glasgow have links to the NHS.
Seven are believed to be doctors or trainee doctors while the one woman under arrest is a trained laboratory researcher. [More at:]
What we don't read in the press is that, as we know, all of the folks arrested and those others being sought in connection with these latest attempts at indiscriminate mass murder are Muslims who read the Koran and know more about it than most of us do. If they follow the religion they know, why do we find our own non-Muslim experts telling us the Muslims don't know their own religion? This last lot of jihadis, much like many others in the jihad business, are not stupid or starving or desperate in any normal sense of our experience. So why not give these people credit for the brain power they obviously have, and give them credit too for knowing their own religion well enough to practice it properly. If we know Islam better than the average Muslim medical doctor, why friend, should we think he knows medicine better than we do? If you know more medicine than the doctor, heal thyself. If you know Islam better than a Muslim doctor, why not become an imam? But if all this is seeming
to make sense and you find you're faced with a Muslim doctor who has your trust in his knowledge of specialized areas, then what are you going to do if you find yourself alone with him getting advice about your own life, Mr. Finkleschwartz, Mrs. Trollope, Miss pregnant teen-age girl, tribal tattoo dude?
I haven't looked in the phone book under physicians to find out how many doctors in this city are named Abu, Ali, Mohammed, Omar, Uthman, and so on. If I found myself in need of a doctor I'd think twice about anyone with a name like that. Why? Because I give them credit for knowing their own religion, and it demands they call us to Islam, demand that we convert, pay jizya, or die. I don't want a doctor with an approach to medicine that includes those prescriptions. I'd look in the phone book to see who to avoid in case of an emergency.
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Green Energy