Green Energy
Picking on Susan Rice is Racism, Misogynism, Political, and continues to demonstrate…
the Republicans are trying to influence the American political milieu with FACTS.
As we well know this is silly.
The Republicans think they have an excellent chess move seeing either conspiracy or incompetence. But of course we all know the people want to believe NEITHER of these choices and so they have founded their strategy on fallacy.
That is why they will fail in this entire effort to embarrass Ms Rice, or the President. Don’t they know we who understand the people and how to influence them cannot be embarrassed?
Everything which occurs can and will be massaged into fitting our policy to influence the American people, and the Republicans are simply a silly impediment. We know what we have to do to transform this place into a just society.

Look, the video idea didn’t work, so what? After all, Bin Laden IS dead. Awlaki IS dead. There is no answer to this, but the Republicans try thus making themselves look like impatient, angry old white men counting their coins in a dark basement somewhere. Meanwhile we can hint they are still hiding those sheets with eye holes down there in the storage room. After all, they are picking on Susan Rice. Who could be a bigger threat to white testosterone? A black, female progressive? Wonderful comedy!
Look at the pathetic drama taking place over this fiscal cliff. This entire cliff would reduce the deficit which adds to the debt by 8% THIS YEAR. Laughable! Comedy! And the Republicans think they can cloak their actions under the idea of ‘responsibility’ when we can show the public, in fact they are actually trying to protect the millionaires who finance their campaigns. We hope they become rigid and we are trying to get them to do so, and they don’t even understand it!
That’s not where the action is. The action is at the EPA this week, darlings. We are going to bang those wells with a $500K surcharge if they are using any new technologies to suck fossil fuels out of mother Gaia because we care about her, and they are SUCKING HER!
The action is over our plans to increase our revenue to increase our freedom of action! So sorry, we have to cap, reduce or remove the mortgage interest deduction! What’s that I hear? We promised not raise taxes on the middle class? But this is Romney’s idea! I thought you said you wanted bipartisanship.
The action is in the middle east where we have continued to work out a way to support progressive forces and those who would be progressive allies! What’s that you Republicans say about Egypt? I hear whining about the Muslim Brotherhood. Don’t you know this can all be defended properly by stating the govt is the elected will of the Egyptian people? What answer is there to this? We have only acquiesced to the people’s will as Jefferson would have done, no? What would have us do, Republicans, start another war?
It’s all so easy!

We won with greater than 60% of the vote below the age of 30. Who do you think they have a greater propensity to listen to, Republicans? Rich old white men who criticize black women of achievement, and who defend millionaires over and over, while THEY are trying to get out of their old bedrooms? Or those who have planted their flag in the ground for social equality, and rally to avoid and end wars, and care for the people who are suffering?
This is all so simple!
Progressives love!
Conservatives hate!
The symbolism, the images, the message. All ours.
Learn it.
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Green Energy