Green Energy
Pigs Fly !!
You know the old saying,
"When pigs fly?" Well, they're flying at Time Magazine.
Time Magazine uses the term
"taqiyya". This has to be a first.

When he learns that I live in New York, Ridha Mohammed leans forward toward me and lowers his voice to a conspiratory whisper. "I will tell you a secret that the Americans don't know," he says. "Their next President is a Shi'ite."
.....A Pew opinion poll a month ahead of the Nov 4 election showed that 12% of Americans still thought Obama was a Muslim. There are no reliable statistics on how many believe that in the Middle East, but there's some anecdotal evidence that the notion is especially popular among poor, undereducated Shi'ites in Iran and Iraq.
Obama's strenuous denials made no difference to these theorists: they simply reasoned that he must be practicing al-Taqqiya, or dissimulation; Shi'ite jurists say believers may conceal their faith from infidels in order to protect themselves from harm.
Read the rest at Time.
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Green Energy