Green Energy
Pizza, Burgers, Soda and Ice Cream for the IDF

Let You In On An 8 Yr Secret Even Pasto Doesn't Know...
In more lucrative times a favorite pastime was, like so many others, to gather at the pub with a pile of friends now and again. A REAL pub. Not some Appleby/Ruby Tuesday/TGIFridays chain. Bourbon and beer and burgers, thick and juicy dribbling down the...
Los Angeles Times Says, Record Number 50k Migrants Crossed Into Greece From Turkey Last Month
FIFTY THOUSAND! An exodus of Syrians and Afghans fleeing conflict in their home countries has escalated the Mediterranean migration crisis to record numbers, with the Greek coast guard picking up more than 1,400 refugees from the sea in the past three...
Seiu Leader Argues Against His Own Point
He declares, "McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, these people specialize in selling burgers. We specialize in fighting. It's hard for them to fight us and sell burgers at the same time... AND THEIR PROFIT MARGIN IS SO SMALL ... DO YOU...
It would have been perfect if the pizza came from Godfather's Pizza ABC: Mitt Romney Sends Leftover Pizza to Obama Chicago HQ ABC's Emily Friedman (@abcemily) reports: After spending the day in Chicago fundraising, Mitt Romney sat down with small...
Deeper And Deeper And Deeper
When the UK finds itself in the Islamic hole - what does it do? Dig deeper. The takeaway has told customers in the mixed-race area of Hall Green, Birmingham, that if they want ham or pork on their pizza they will have to go elsewhere. Chris Yates, 29,...
Green Energy